Odoo product configurator

The biggest benefits of using the Odoo product configurator, how and where to apply it

Odoo product configurator

The biggest benefit of using the Odoo product configurator and using product variants is that you don't need to create a separate product for every single variation. And more importantly: having to maintain all those separate products. Not only can you benefit from a practical and maintenance point of view - using product variants in sales orders and e-commerce opens up a new world of user-friendly advantages.


Does your company sell products that have many different attributes and values? Consider using Odoo's standard functionality of configuring product variants with its configurator. The combination of each attribute and possible values generates a massive amount of possible product variant. While in most cases, you don't require all these combinations and some may not even possible to manufacture or purchase.  Odoo's standard product variant functionality solves all these issue, while managing your product portfolio gets a whole lot easier.

Image: you can activate Variants under "Settings", "Stock",  section "Products"

The Odoo product configurator supports your sales process with a single product variant price, grouped subtotals, product descriptions and generates back-end outputs like warehouse and purchase orders (MTO for example), routings and accounting controls. The configurator is the perfect solution to configure a complex and correct combination of products, prices and variants within minutes.

Product variantS

Image: product variant

Some product variant examples are:

  • Color
  • Size
  • Measure
  • Dimensions
  • Finish
  • Accessories

All product variants and their relationship to eachother can be configured individually. Making it possible to sell a desk with a wooden top only with certain wooden frames that fit properly, for example. This prevents any errors in the product configuration completely.


Video: product variants


The product configurator is also used if you're starting a sale by creating a sales order manually and adding a product which has variants. This helps your sales people by only showing possible configurations.

Image: the product configurator in a sales order


Using product variants does not only offer technical and practical advantages, but also makes it possible to utilize sales and product marketing strategies you would not have in a traditional product catalogue setup. When using variants, you actually sell only 1 product (template), which can be configured completely by your customers or sales people. All possible configurations are defined in the settings, making it impossible to sell variations that are not manufacturable or available. Another benefit is being able to set an additional price for any configured variant.

Image: e-commerce website product configurator


It does not matter how many products you sell, or how complex your combinations are. The Odoo configurator module streamlines your sales, representatives and customers to correct product configurations. Even in an environment with complex products and pricing structures. Your sales people can rest assured that they only offer the right products at the right price. This means shorter sales cycles, higher profit margins and more satisfied customers.


Video: product configurator: advanced use cases


Video: product configurator and the new matrix

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